

Hi 👋 , I'm Haytham A. Salama

I'm a software engineer with over 5 years of experience as a Full-Stack Developer, specializing in analyzing and implementing software across various domains for enterprise applications. Additionally, I actively contribute to open-source frameworks such as Laravel, Vue.js, and Nuxt.js.

Haytham A. Salama


My talent for technology and computers started when I was 5 years old. I have always had a passion for using computers and electronic boards.

I started when I was a child, repairing electronic parts and devices such as computers, radios, etc., and dealing with advanced electronic parts such as Arduino. On the other hand, I started learning Office and other programs and how to install Windows.

And after a while, I started learning graphic design and editing videos using different programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, After Effect, etc. Then I provided this service on freelance sites. Then I started learning new things about programming, like programming desktop applications and other fields down to web applications. I started my journey on the web when I was 15 years old. I started learning the basics, such as HTML, CSS, and JS. Then I started gradually, providing services for building websites and WordPress, selling templates, etc., and gradually completing my learning roadmap and work so far.

During the learning journey, I used resources that helped me, such as Google, YouTube, various sites, and daily content from YouTube channels, as well as some forums, societies, and online courses. After finishing high school, I started studying software engineering with a Bachelor's degree and working with different organizations in the software industry field.

I'm planning to study for a master's degree in machine learning, and I aspire to have an associate professor degree in it and achieve international awards.

Work Experience

Full-Stack Engineer at WINCH

Feb 2023 - present
full-time - Saudi Arabia (Remote)
  • Developed and maintained a platform for the business sector and forwarders using Domain-Driven Design (DDD).
  • Utilized technologies like Laravel, NuxtJs, Vue, Typescript and more.

Full-Stack Developer at Faris petrol company

Nov 2019 - April 2023
full-time - Palestine
  • Designed and developed a web-based reservation system for vehicle water washing pumps, incorporating electronic circuits across multiple locations based on Raspberry Pi, Laravel, VueJs, Python and other technologies.
  • Developed a charging balance system with test-driven development to process bulk card transactions and integrate with the financial system in background queues based on Laravel, VueJs, and PHPUnit.
  • Designed and Implemented a workshop car system with test-driven development to manage checklists, services, and accounts for vehicles based on Laravel, VueJs, and other technologies.
  • Developed a Games platform for events with interactive features using Laravel, NuxtJs, TailwindCss.
  • Developed a human resource management system integrated with attendance devices and other systems.
  • Designed and implemented a CRM system with mobile app integration, handling contacts, calls, messages, visits, tickets and more using Laravel, Flutter and other technologies.

Full-Stack Developer at Patric Technology

Dec 2019 - March 2023
full-time - Palestine
  • Developed and designed various websites, including clever.ps, support.clever.ps, weptric.com, and more.

Freelancer Web Developer

Apr 2016 - Feb 2018
  • Designed and developed over 16 websites for a diverse range of clients.
Check My Linkedin Account


Al Azhar University - Palestine

Bachelor of Engineering - Software Engineering

Aug 2019 - May 2024